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Medical Assistants in Kentucky

There are many reasons to choose to become a medical assistant in Kentucky. One good reason is job security both now and in the future. Much of the economy has been languishing in stagnation; however the medical industry has been growing. As the health care industry continues to grow, there will also be an increase in demand for medical assistants. Another good reason to consider being a medical assistant is the relatively short turnaround time between starting school and entering the job market. This gives you an advantage in that you start earning money more quickly and also have a reduced debt burden compared to other careers which require more schooling.

Required Certification

There are no state level certifications currently required to become a medical assistants in Kentucky. Since there is no certification required, you can instead focus on how to make your application stand out to a potential employer. One way to do this is by finding a really excellent school to attend. With that rationale in mind, you can see why it is important to really research the schools available to you, to find an excellent accredited school and program to be trained as a medical assistant. This means thoroughly researching several schools and programs to make sure you really know about your various options in an in-depth manner. There are elements of each school and program that you will really want pay attention to as you evaluate potential schools. Those elements are: physical location, the specific skills taught in the program, admissions requirements, and also financial costs for the program.

If you wish to gain certification, for the benefits of potentially greater pay and employability, you can look at becoming certified with the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA):

Salaries for Medical Assistants in Kentucky

According to the BLS the average mean wage for medical assistants in Kentucky is $26.6401. This is below average for the country; however the cost of living in Kentucky is also much lower than many other states. Keep in mind, your pay can vary based on what type of medical facility you work in.

Today is a great day to get started on your career by finding a school and program that fits your needs. You can find a database of schools with medical assistant programs here.