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Indiana, IN | LPN to RN Nursing School Program

Why Take an LPN to RN Program in Indiana?

The most obvious reason to take an LPN to RN education program in Indiana is the financial benefits: RNs make fifty percent more than LPNs. In addition, it can lead to a far more interesting career, as RNs are the direct superiors to LPNs and are responsible for a wider range of duties and can find employment out of a direct health care setting much more easily. And, because it only takes a year, this is an attractive job for working LPNs who wish to take their nursing career further.

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How to Do a LPN to RN Program in Indiana

LPN to RN education programs in Indiana last about one year and are available in a traditional education setting as well as on the internet. Getting into a program mostly depends on previous grades and it is also necessary to be currently licensed as a Practical Nurse—typically with a year’s work experience.

LPN to RN education programs in Indiana last about a year and get students ready to take the National Council Licensure Examination, Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN). The program is centered upon continued study in nursing practice and theory, with a focus on bigger picture health issues, grooming students for positions of greater responsibility. The NCLEX-RN costs $200 to take through Pearson Vue, and an additional $50 application fee must be paid to the Indiana State Professional Licensing Agency. Once the test has been passed—as is the case for 85 percent of first time applicants—an LPN to RN usually results in an Associate Degree of Nursing, or AND, meaning new RNs leave an LPN to RN education program with two new distinctions for their resume.