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Hawaii, HI | CNA Certification Training Programs

With an attractive climate, the health sector of Hawaii’s economy is growing, and the demand for CNAs is growing along with it. Like many other states, there is a shortage of nursing staff in Hawaii. This means opportunities for CNAs in Hawaii are plentiful. Often, CNAs in the state, which are also known as Certified Nurse Aides, will be employed in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. Although the cost of living in the Aloha State is high, full time CNAs in Hawaii can expect to make between $25,000 and $31,000 (according to plus benefits, a salary which is well above the national average and variable based upon experience. With growing health care needs and an attractive climate, Hawaii is a good place to start a career in the health sector as a Certified Nursing Assistant.

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Hawaii CNA Training

As Hawaii is a small state, the options for training are not as plentiful as in other states, but there are options on all but the smallest islands. The Hawaii Red Cross is responsible for Certified Nurse Aide tests in Hawaii and also offers training programs, which consist of 91 hours of classroom and laboratory instruction and 46 hours of hands-on clinical training. Also, partial scholarships are available to cover costs. There are also colleges, hospitals, and private institutions that offer CNA training in Hawaii and the 150 hour course typically costs around $1000.
Certified Nursing Assistant License in Hawaii
CNA licenses in the State of Hawaii are issued by the American Red Cross and cost $250 once you have completed Certified Nurse Aide training. Licenses must be renewed every two years for $35 and one must work eight hours as a Certified Nursing Assistant over the same time period.

Hawaii CNA Training Programs

There are 34 approved Certified Nursing Assistant training programs in Hawaii and they are available on all of the major islands. A list of these programs can be found through the American Red Cross, Hawaii Chapter.