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Florida LPN Nursing Jobs

Becoming an LPN is perhaps the fastest way to become a full-fledged nurse in Florida. They typically work in hospitals, but also in other health care settings such as clinics, retirement homes, and even private dwellings. In Florida LPNs make, on average, $38,000 (according to per year, plus benefits that can amount to upwards of $15,000 per year. With a large number of retirees, nursing needs in the state continue to grow rapidly, making an LPN career in Florida a safe bet.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

LPNs in Florida work under the direction of both physicians and Registered Nurses. Their day to day tasks are mostly focused on direct patient care such as monitoring vital signs, giving injections and administering other prescribed medicines, dressing wounds and so on. They are also responsible for other types of bedside care such as feeding, bathing, collecting samples and maintaining medical equipment.

Florida LPNS work about 40 hours of work, but the hours are rarely nine to five. The need for around the clock patient care means that many LPNs work nights, weekends and holidays. Although this doesn’t work for everyone, it can be great for those who need flexible schedules due to other commitments such as family, school and so on—especially considering the competitive salaries earned by LPNs. In addition, it opens up part time opportunities for LPNs with other responsibilities such as school and family.

The Florida Center for Nursing is a great resource when it comes time to find a job, with resources ranging from workforce information to education and beyond.