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How to Become a Nurse in Connecticut

Nurses in Connecticut enjoy great job prospects, and demand is only expected to increase in coming years. There are three common options for Connecticut nursing education: Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) diploma programs, and Associate (ADN) and Bachelor’s Degrees (BSN) in Nursing, both of which lead to licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN).

Sponsored Schools

*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Connecticut Nursing Prerequisites

LPN programs in Connecticut sometimes have prerequisites, but others will let you enter directly from high school with good grades. BSN and ADN programs, on the other hand, usually require at least four or five undergraduate college courses ranging from math to English, psychology to biology. Grades in these courses can carry significant weight when applying to a nursing education program.

Nursing Programs in Connecticut

Connecticut Licensed Practical Nursing education programs prepare students with solid patient care, problem solving, and some leadership skills, and take a year to complete. Those undertaking Registered Nurse training receive more in-depth patient care skills, as well as learning about nurse management, theory, and beyond. While an ADN is done after two years of full time study, those in a BSN have two more years to study advanced health research, legal issues in health care, and any number of elective courses focusing upon specialized topics in health care—if applying to a BSN nursing program, it is worth considering the electives offered and whether they may suit your future interests.

Connecticut Nursing Certification Exam

The final licensure examination is called the NCLEX, and there are versions for both graduating RN and LPN nursing students. For more information, visit our NCLEX examination information page.

Detailed Connecticut Nursing Information

Becoming a nurse in Connecticut takes time and dedication—for a deeper understanding of job prospects and a comprehensive overview of Connecticut nursing education, see our Connecticut nursing information page.