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Learn more about CNA Degrees

To earn a certified nursing assistant (CNA) degree, the best route is to find a local college that offers a certified nursing program or an online program that allows online flexibility to accomplish your goal.  The second option is to find a local hospital in your area that has the certification courses to become a certified nursing assistant.  Here you will work and learn under an experienced nurse, usually a Registered Nurse (RN).  After following the required stages you can join the Nurse Aide Registry in your state and move forward on a prosperous career path.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Once you have a CNA degree you will be able to plant your foot in the world of nursing to work with patients and start your journey to help them towards healthy recoveries.  You will find that a certification in certified nursing or a CNA degree is the first step in the broad field of health care.  Often times certified nursing programs are a stepping stone to the field and many continue on to become other forms of nurse specialists such as LVN, LPN, RN, etc.

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