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How to Find Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA Classes)

The requirement for CNA classes vary from state to state, so you'll want to check with your state nursing board before signing up for CNA classes online or through a local provider.  

Local facilities that employ CNAs often offer free or low cost CNA classes.  Check with local hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities to see if they offer classes on campus or online.  The classes are often a prelude to employment at these facilities, and are usually four to six weeks of full-time CNA class training.  Sometimes these courses are paid training.  Just be mindful of signing agreements to work at the facility as a CNA for a period of time, you may be better off taking CNA classes online or elsewhere so you can choose where you work once you're familiar with the role of a CNA.  Also be sure to check if they also help you pay for the CNA test for certification.

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The Red Cross also offers local CNA classes which are already tailored to your state's requirements.  Contact your local Red Cross for details and costs.  CNA classes are also often offered through local community and junior colleges, as well as by some technical or vocational schools.  CNA classes like these usually last approximately six months and cost up to $600.

There are many resources for looking up acredited CNA classes online. Such resources provided by your local State government are your best bet to be certain you take an approved CNA class.

If you choose CNA online classes, make sure the school offering them is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accredited Commission (NLNA) .  Some of these classes will include hands-on elements at a local facility, others will be entirely web-bases.  Which can be found here.

All CNA classes usually have sections on infection prevention, bed making, patient safety, taking blood samples, taking vital signs, basic nursing principals, CPR, and other elements.  CNA classes that aren't online often are quite physically demanding as you practice the necessary skills.  The job itself it often physically demanding, so keep this in mind before taking CNA classes.  

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