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Nursing Schools in Arkansas, AR

In Arkansas, there are 29 LPN programs approved by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing (ASBN), and 29 ASBN approved RN programs , ranging from diploma programs, to ADN and Baccalaureate programs. In addition, the ASBN provides a list of NCLEX pass rates based on program , a key component when selecting which school to attend. It is important to consider several options when choosing a program, as cost, entry requirements and more can affect which program may be right for you.

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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Nursing Schools Through Online Programs in Arkansas

Earning a degree online was once a foreign concept, particularly in the specialized and hands-on field of healthcare. Nowadays, it has not only become acceptable, but also a preferred method for earning a nursing degree for those running hectic and busy lives. Online programs aren’t intended merely for those wishing to earn registered nurse certification, either. Practicing nurses who wish to further their education often enroll in Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Masters of Science in Nursing programs online. Doing so allows students to avoid interrupting their occupation in exchange for earning an advanced degree.

Distance nursing programs allow students the opportunity to study when and where they please. Coursework and exams are closely monitored by the instructor, which in turn, provides real-time feedback for the student and instructor as to how the student is performing in the class. In addition to online coursework, students are paired with a local healthcare facility to complete the hands-on training required of nursing students.

In a state like Arkansas, where there are only a handful of campuses that offer nursing programs, pursuing an online degree is an optimal choice. Before deciding on an online course, research the cost, prerequisites, and other requirements for several programs. Doing so will start you off on the right foot to earning your nursing degree.

Career Expectations For Nurses in Arkansas

The nursing occupation as a whole is anticipated to increase in the upcoming years. The nature of the nursing profession is such that there are a plethora of career paths to take and numerous ways to advance within the field. For instance, a registered nurse could work in a family clinic, mental health facility, or as a school nurse. A nurse practitioner can choose a specialty as a nurse midwife, family nurse practitioner, and certified nurse anesthetist, to name a few.

In a state such as Arkansas, where there are 814 registered nurses per 100,000 population[1], a figure comparable to the average over the entire United States, it is likely that the nursing profession will continue to be in demand. As nurses retire, advance, or change careers, jobs will continuously open up.

In Arkansas, registered nurses earn between $41,870 and $60,580, depending upon the area within the state. [1] As a comparison, the annual median wage for Arkansas is $39,392, significantly less than the reported earnings of nurses. [2] These figures illustrate that the education, training, and certification required to become a nurse is comparably matched by the wages nurses earn in Arkansas.

Cities in Arkansas, AR Most Likely To Have Nursing School Programs: Looking for a nursing school program or course in your area? Chances are there is a campus close by. If not, don’t give up too soon. Nursing Degrees and Schools in Arkansas can be available via online programs, which are accredited and very useful to enter the health care sectors in Arkansas, AR. Commonly nursing schools are available from or in the following cities: Little Rock, Fort Smith, Fayettville, Springdale, Jonesboro, North Little Rock, Conway, Rogers, Pine Bluff, Bentonville, Hot Springs, Benton, Texarkana, Sherwood, Jacksonville, Russellville, Bella Vista, West Memphis, Paragould, Cabot, Searcy, Van Buren, El Dorado, Maumelle, Bryant, Blythville, Forrest City, Siloam Springs

[2] State Health Facts