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How to Become a Nurse in Arkansas, AR


Arkansas nursing training is a great way to enter one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. You can choose between as short of a program as a one year Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) diploma and a four year Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN) degree, which leads to licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN). Alternatively, one can enroll in a two year Associate Degree, which leads to licensure as an RN as well, but with less opportunity for specialization and advanced training.
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*Featured Nursing Degree Programs

* (USC) University of Southern California - Master of Science in Nursing

* Georgetown University - M.S. in Nursing, FNP Family Nurse Practitioner program

Arkansas Nursing Education Prerequisites

Before applying to an Arkansas nursing program, prospective nursing students must complete first year college prerequisites ranging from science classes like biology to arts course like psychology. Depending on whether you are pursuing LPN or RN training, the number of courses may vary, but typical prerequisites take three to six months of full time study.

Arkansas Nursing Education Programs

There are three main nursing education programs in Arkansas: LPN diploma, and Associate Degree or Bachelor Degree in Nursing, both of which prepare students for licensure as an RN. LPN diploma programs take about a year and can be found at both colleges and hospitals, or as an early exit option from an ADN program. They focus largely on hands-on patient care strategies and baseline nursing concepts. ADN programs take patient care training and nursing theory and management studies to the next level, introducing larger conceptual issues and more. BSN programs allow time to explore specialized topics in nursing from advanced research concepts to legal issues in health care, specialized treatment of children, the elderly, psychological health and more.

Arkansas Nursing Licensure Exam

Nursing education in Arkansas ultimately prepares students for the NCLEX licensure examination. A nationally-standardized test, there are both RN and LPN versions. Pass rates are upwards of 85 percent, although some nursing education programs tend to do better than others—it may be worth checking a program’s pass rate before committing to your studies.

Detailed Arkansas Nursing Information

If you are looking for in depth information on Arkansas nursing and Arkansas nurse training, please visit our state page where you will find salary information, job outlooks, and a comprehensive overview of Arkansas nurse education programs.